Founded in 1829, the company has been producing electrical high-voltage resistors since 1902, making it one of the first suppliers of electrical equipment for power distribution. In 1964, Schniewindt supplied the first voltage divider for the world’s first high-voltage direct current transmission at the Cabora Bassa dam in South Africa. In 2003, the development of the first braking resistors for medium voltage for use in the maritime sector started, making Schniewindt the world market leader today. Since the foundation of a subsidiary in Shanghai, China, in 2009, Schniewindt has increasingly opened up the Asian market. Worldwide representations strengthen the international orientation of the family-owned company, whose business is managed by Dr. Sarah Schniewindt.
Schniewindt is one of the leading manufacturers of high-power electrical resistors and devices and systems for electrical heating technology for industrial and commercial purposes. This knowledge is also used to equip modern transport technology. On the one hand, heating systems for preheating diesel engines in marine and railroad technology and, on the other hand, braking resistors for electrical drive technology in the maritime as well as in the industrial sector are sold. As the world market leader for braking resistors in the use of DC systems on board offshore supply vessels, tugs, ferries and yachts, the company helps to reduce fuel consumption and emissions.
Of 200 employees, around 180 work at the Neuenrade site in the Sauerland region. The annual turnover is around €28 million, 42% of which comes from exports worldwide. Production takes place at the headquarters in Neuenrade and at the site in China for the Asian market.
Sales Volume
The Schniewindt heating grid is patented and used in resistance devices worldwide
Schniewindt receives first Ex-test certificate by the Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt PTB, Braunschweig
RC voltage divider for HVDC (high voltage direct current transmission)
Start of development of a braking resistor on medium voltage level for the maritime sector and development of heating cartridges for wind power with UL label
Foundation of Schniewindt Electric Co. Ltd. Shanghai China
Construction of the first 1,100 kV voltage divider
Commissioning of the first Power to Heat plants in Germany
First electric high-temperature gas heater for process temperatures up to 1,000°C
In the team for South Westphalia
c/o SIHK zu Hagen
Bahnhofstraße 18
D-58095 Hagen
Phone +49 (0) 2331 390-0
An award from the IHKs in the team for South Westphalia