What do Usain Bolt, the Wittgensteiner Möbelfabrik and the Burj Khalifa have to do with REGUPOL in Bad Berleburg? REGUPOL is one of the world’s leading processors of reclaimed elastomers. This results in high-performance sports flooring, safety flooring, anti-slip mats for load securing, products for impact sound insulation and vibration isolation, as well as protective and separating layers for construction applications. In many of these markets, REGUPOL is now one of the leading suppliers thanks to the know-how of its global team. The history of our company began in 1954. In the eyes of the company’s founder Karl Pöppel, the foam scraps left over from production at the Wittgenstein upholstered furniture factory were to find another use than just ending up in the waste. This idea was not only sustainable in the sense of the word, but would today be described as „upcycling“. Since then REGUPOL has grown steadily. With subsidiaries in America, Australia, Dubai, China and Switzerland,REGUPOL is a family-owned company that now processes around 90,000 tons of recycled elastomers, such as rubber, EVA and PU foam, every year. More than 750 employees work at 11 locations to develop suitable solutions with our customers. So what does this have to do with Usain Bolt and the Burj Khalifa? Usain Bolt – an advertising partner for many years – ran two world records in the men’s 100 and 200 meters on REGUPOL at the Berlin Olympic Stadium in 2009. And the Burj Khalifa is representative of countless buildings around the world in which impact sound insulation underlays from REGUPOL ensure quiet and trouble-free coexistence.REGUPOL is one of the largest recyclers of recycled elastomers in the world. Recycling has been the company’s purpose from the very beginning. This makes REGUPOL a pioneer of the Circular Economy, which will contribute to compliance with the European Green Deal.
Sales Volume
Foundation of BSW GmbH
First REGUPOL sports floors for multi-purpose sports fields
Blue Angel for impact sound insulation and labeling as „environmentally friendly
The first REGUPOL everroll fitness floors are installed
Validation of an environmental management system according to EMAS
Start of the rebranding process. BSW GmbH becomes REGUPOL BSW GmbH
Award of the Environmental Economy Prize 2020
65 products from the fields of acoustics, building protection and load securing are certified Cradle to Cradle Bronze
In the team for South Westphalia
c/o SIHK zu Hagen
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D-58095 Hagen
Phone +49 (0) 2331 390-0
Email weltmarktfuehrer@hagen.ihk.de
An award from the IHKs in the team for South Westphalia