NEOSID Pemetzrieder GmbH & Co. KG is a specialist for ferrites and inductors in high frequency technology.
The main focus also includes the production of miniature RFID transponders and customized sensor coils.
NEOSID’s market leadership is based to a large extent on its expertise in manufacturing ferrite parts using an injection molding process, thus realizing geometries that are usually only found in thermoplastic parts. In this way, special customer-specific design requirements can be taken into account.
The company develops and produces electronic components for high-tech industries such as medical technology, telecommunications, the automotive industry and industrial electronics. In modern automobiles, for example, ferrites and inductive components are indispensable when it comes to dynamic tire pressure monitoring, airbag and seatbelt pretensioner electronics, or powerline data transmission in EV charging stations. In surgical instruments, the integration of RFID tags enables the tracking of instruments throughout the entire logistics process. This technology is also used for tracking tools or objects in production lines.
NEOSID ranks 20th among the 50 most innovative medium-sized companies in Germany, which were determined in an exclusive study commissioned by WirtschaftsWoche. In addition, the company is listed in the TOP 500 of the stern innovation award „Germany’s most innovative medium-sized companies“ in 2023 and is the bearer of the seal „Innovative through research“, which is awarded by the Stifterverband.
NEOSID’s customers include well-known global corporations as well as a large number of medium-sized companies. The company develops and manufactures ferrites exclusively at its Halver site and works with sales partners in 27 countries.
NEOSID has an environmental management system according to ISO 14001:2015 and is certified according to ISO 90001:2015. The company is family-owned.
Sales Volume
Foundation of the NEOSID company in Berlin.
Foundation of a legally independent branch in Halver (NRW).
Move to a separate building at the current location in Halver.
Foundation of the subsidiary Neotech sp.z o.o. Winding machines and winding goods
RFID transponder with special ferrite core
3D Cube Antenna for AR/VR/Mixed Reality
SMD sensor coils with single piece ferrite
Rotating inductive systems
One-piece transformer for EV charging stations
Transmitters for hearing aid implants
In the team for South Westphalia
c/o SIHK zu Hagen
Bahnhofstraße 18
D-58095 Hagen
Phone +49 (0) 2331 390-0
An award from the IHKs in the team for South Westphalia