ENGINIUS GmbH – Alternative drives from the KIRCHHOFF Group
The history of the KIRCHHOFF Group dates back to 1785, when Stephan Witte operated a needle factory in Iserlohn that exported needles as far as China. Today, the KIRCHHOFF Group consists of the four divisions KIRCHHOFF Automotive, KIRCHHOFF Ecotec, KIRCHHOFF Mobility and WITTE Tools.
The Automotive and Ecotec divisions in particular, with their high turnover and high number of employees, are leaders in their sector. KIRCHHOFF Ecotec, with the globally active brands FAUN and ZOELLER for refuse collection vehicles and road sweepers, has been actively shaping climate-neutral mobility for several years. ENGINIUS, a young company belonging to the FAUN Group, has been developing and producing battery-electric lorries with hydrogen fuel cells since 2022. Under the name BLUEPOWER, more than 100 vehicles are now being used successfully by European waste disposal companies. ENGINIUS is Europe’s first vehicle manufacturer with an EU type approval for electrically powered lorries with a hydrogen fuel cell system (FCEV). A second lorry is planned for 2024 as a battery-electric or fuel cell variant for inner-city goods and delivery transport.
With 29 production plants on three continents, KIRCHHOFF Automotive is also one of the world’s leading manufacturers of body solutions that ensure people are optimally protected in the event of an accident. A- and B-pillars or bumpers manufactured using special processes offer the best possible crash performance. The company from South Westphalia is also one of the TOP suppliers to the global automotive industry for body add-on parts such as front ends and instrument panel carriers. Highly qualified technicians and engineers research and develop technologies and product innovations to support the major automotive manufacturers on their way to e-mobility.
Sales Volume
Foundation of a needle factory in Iserlohn in southern Westphalia
Foundation of the first stamping plant in Iserlohn – first products for the automotive industry
Production of hand tools – WITTE Tools is today the leading manufacturer in the premium segment
Takeover of M. Kutsch in Attendorn – start of the worldwide expansion of KIRCHHOFF Automotive
With the takeover of FAUN Umwelttechnik AG (Nuremberg), today’s KIRCHHOFF Ecotec enters the waste disposal and municipal vehicle sector.
Takeover of the REHA Group, today KIRCHHOFF Mobility, the conversion specialist for vehicles for people with restricted mobility.
Foundation of the new brand ENGINIUSbelonging to KIRCHHOFF Ecotec
The KIRCHHOFF Group is represented by 59 plants in 24 countries on 5 continents
Inner-city goods and delivery traffic is going “green”: the first CITYPOWER trucks in battery-electric or fuel cell versions are expected to be on the road by the end of 2025.
Phone +49 2371 820-00
In the team for South Westphalia
c/o SIHK zu Hagen
Bahnhofstraße 18
D-58095 Hagen
Phone +49 (0) 2331 390-0
Email weltmarktfuehrer@hagen.ihk.de
An award from the IHKs in the team for South Westphalia
The entrepreneurial success of hidden champions usually results from successfully occupying niche markets.