On September 1, 1925, the merchant Willy Müller and the master toolmaker August Busch founded the company Busch+Müller in Meinerzhagen. The production program at that time already consisted of cat’s eyes (reflectors) for bicycles.
Today’s product range of the family business includes mainly bicycle headlights and taillights, but also bicycle accessories such as reflectors, rear view mirrors and much more. A second mainstay is the production of rear-view mirrors and lighting for motorized two-wheelers. In this area, KTM and BMW have been among Busch+Müller’s customers for many years.
Probably the most significant development from Busch+Müller in recent years is the headlights with IQ technology, which at the time made it possible to quadruple headlight brightness. Today, this technology is used by almost all lighting manufacturers and produces unprecedented brightness levels of up to 150 lux in dynamo mode and 300 lux in e-bike mode. For comparison, in the early 2000s, 10 lux was still the standard for halogen headlights at the time.
The latest developments include the LEVAL bend lighting assistant for e-bikes, the BREX brake light and emergency brake light function, and the brand new TURNTEC turn signal for fast e-bikes.
In short: Busch+Müller thrives on innovation and produces originals and that as a role model for many market competitors.
In the meantime, the company is in second and third generation family hands with Dr. Rainer Müller and his son Guido. The company has always remained true to its location in Meinerzhagen. The idea, technology, design, toolmaking, plastics and metal processing, electronics assembly and electroplating articles from Busch+Müller are all „Made in Germany“.
Company foundation
Start of the production of rear view mirrors
World’s first bicycle taillight with capacitor-fed parking light function
Start of production of dynamo headlights
First production of battery headlights
First LED bicycle headlight approved for dynamo operation
Light revolution IQ-TEC LED bicycle headlights
LEVAL – the cornering light assistant for e-bikes
Turntec – the blinker system for e-bikes
In the team for South Westphalia
c/o SIHK zu Hagen
Bahnhofstraße 18
D-58095 Hagen
Phone +49 (0) 2331 390-0
Email weltmarktfuehrer@hagen.ihk.de
An award from the IHKs in the team for South Westphalia
The entrepreneurial success of hidden champions usually results from successfully occupying niche markets.